Free Kindergarten Addition Worksheet for learning sums to 5 and sums to 10. Kindergarten students will learn addition sentences, addition number lines, ten frames, missing numbers, vertical and horizontal addition equations and more! Our free addition worksheets cover important kindergarten standards like counting, one-to-one correspondence, missing addends, grouping, making 10, and number bonds. Print our free kindergarten math worksheets today!

Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten
We’ve included a variety of free kindergarten math worksheets in this set. Many of the free printable activities can be used with simple math manipulatives like dice, dominos, or number tiles to add a fun, hands-on element to your learning centers.

Kindergarten Addition Sentences Worksheets
Additionally, we’ve included kindergarten worksheets to cover some important math skills you’ll want to cover with your student during the kindergarten year. You’ll find our printables hit more than one standard so that your student can build math mastery and understanding. For example, students might count to add, then break down the addends and sum into an addition sentence.

Free Printable Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten
Below we’ve organized all of our free PDF printables by skillset. You’ll be able to target specific kindergarten skills for easy assessment of math standards. Each page is designed with your kindergarten students in mind. You’ll find large fonts, and extra room for early writing skills. Additionally, each page only includes a small variety of exercises so as not to overwhelm young learners. These pages are appropriate for students with little to no introduction to addition.
Addition Worksheets with Pictures Count to Add

Sums to 5 Addition Worksheet with Pictures
Kindergarten students will count pictures to add sums to five. Room is provided for students to add the missing number of the addition sentence.

Sums to 10 Addition Worksheets with Pictures
Students expand their ability to understand simple addition equations with sums to 10. Each set includes pictures to count, add, and report.

Addition with Pictures Worksheet
Students count to add and make addition sentences with this free printable counting addition worksheet.
Kindergarten Addition Worksheets Add +1 & Sums to 5

Sums to 5 Addition Worksheet with Pictures
Kindergarten students will count pictures to add sums to five. Room is provided for students to add the missing number of the addition sentence.

Sums to 5 Addition Worksheet with Numbers
These equations cover sums to 5 for simple math problems for beginners. These have large, easy-to-read numbers and plenty of room to write for little learners.

Addition +1 Worksheet
Kindergarten students practice adding one more with this simple kindergarten math worksheet. Adding 1 with equations sums to 13.

Addition +1 Worksheet
Kindergarten students practice adding one more with this simple kindergarten math worksheet. Adding 1 with equations sums to 13.

Addition to 5 Vertical Equation Worksheet
Simple addition equations with sums to 5 are presented in a vertical format with large numbers and a writing area.

Make 5 Math Activity Mat
This hands-on activity mat can be used with 5 small counters and number tiles, or number magnets. Students move the counters back and forth between the boxes to make an equation that adds up to 5, then use numerals to build the equations below.
5 Frame & 10 Frame Addition Worksheets

5 Frame Addition Worksheet
This is a free printable addition worksheet for students to learn about 5 frames, Each section includes room for students to draw in the missing number of dots, then record the value to solve the equation.

10 Frame Addition Worksheet
Students expand their addition skills with this printable ten frame activity page. Student draw or color in the missing dots to fill the ten frame, then solve the missing addend in the equations below.

10 Frame Addition Worksheet Alternative
This is an alternative layout for addition with ten frames. On this worksheet students are presented with both addend values in the ten frame and they use them to complete the addition sentence to 10.
Kindergarten Addition Games Dice & Domino Worksheets

Addition Dominos Worksheet
Students work on addition sums to 12 with this free addition dominos worksheet. Students count the value of each side of the domino to form the addition sentence.

Addition Dice Worksheet
Students read the value on the dice and count to solve the equation. This sheet includes addition sums to 10.

Roll an Addition Equation
Use this free printable addition equation mat with two dice! Students roll two dice and draw the number pattern to represent the dice. Next, students add up the value and write the equation below.

Numberline Addition Worksheet Sums to 5
Students use the number line to solve each equation. For each addition sentence, an addend is missing. students start on the first addend and hop to see how many more are needed to make 5.

Numberline Addition Worksheet Sums to 10
Students use the number line to solve each equation. For each addition sentence, an addend is missing. students start on the first addend and hop to see how many more are needed to make 10.

Number Bonds Addition Worksheet
Free printable number bond worksheet for students learning to decompose and break apart numbers up to 10. This is a part-part-whole exercise that will help your students understand important math concepts for breaking down numbers.

Addition to 10 Worksheet
Students work on basic addition equations with sums to 10. Horizontal equations with extra room to write answers.

Addition to 10 Worksheets
Free printable worksheets for kindergarten students learning to add up to sums of 10. Vertical equations with extra room to wrie answers.

Make 10 Math Activity Mat
This hands-on activity mat can be used with 10 small counters and number tiles, or number magnets. Students move the counters back and forth between the boxes to make an equation that adds up to 5, then use numerals to build the equations below.
Comment (1)
Love these maths worksheets!! They helping my little students to understand addition so much faster.